Intellitrac X8 - not sending data?

nickthesloth7 years ago

I have a couple of Intellitrac X8 units, that connect on port 5037, but don't appear to be sending location data.

On the serial port I have set it to send every 60 seconds with the below, and it outputs this on the console, but Traccar is only getting a short hex message on the same timing as the 'sync' interval is set to.


Traccar sees:

HEX: faf828009d81333c

Any ideas what I might have missed?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

What your device sends is a heartbeat message. This seems to be a device issue.

P.S. next time don't create multiple forum threads.

nickthesloth7 years ago

Hi Anton,

Thanks. I've since worked out the sync/heartbeat messages seem to be a 'feature' of these devices.

My devices seem to expect to be told what to do via GPRS commands, which Traccar isn't doing.

If I setup a connection to it separately, and send $st+tracking=0000,1,60,0,0,1 - the device starts reporting location every 60 seconds. After power cycling the device it conveniently remembers this. Equally, sending st+getposition=0000 returns the position on demand. I wonder if some of the few other posts I can find relating to the X8 have had the first command sent to them before being used with Traccar and hence have worked. My devices have been reset however.

Configuring via SMS does not seem to be possible once GPRS has been setup, which seems to be the case with my devices and from what I can find elsewhere.

Hence the post in the server forum - this seems more like a protocol issue and I wasn't sure you'd see it here! :) It would be handy if Traccar could be told to request the position every x period of time, or if it can already I haven't worked out how. While Traccar does decode the location properly when it receives it, actually getting a clean device to start working is a pain. If the tracking command could be send periodically (or even manually through the web interface) that would be great. When I try to send a command, 'Send via SMS' is ticked and greyed, and trying to send it anyway throws an error.

Otherwise I guess I'll have to configure them through a separate connection and then point them back to my Traccar server. Not the end of the world but any suggestions for making it slightly easier would be great.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can send commands to device from Traccar, assuming that device at least reports its device id when it connects.

nickthesloth7 years ago

Interesting. I can now send commands through Traccar. Before getting it to send through locations I couldn't do that.

The sync messages include the device ID - does Traccar do anything with them other than send them back to appease the device?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Where is the id in the sync message?

Alex7 years ago

From the protocol document:

Synchronization message format
typedef struct
WORD SyncHeader;
} SyncStruct;

SyncHeader is always 0xf8fa
SyncID is a message sequence number
UnitID is the unit identification number

For example, received message is
0xFA 0xF8 0x1B 0x01 0x81 0x60 0x33 0x3C
SyncHeader = 0xF8 0xFA
SyncID = 0x01 0x1B (Decimal = 283)
UnitID = 0x3C 0x33 0x60 0x81 (Decimal = 1010000001)

So the intellitrac we're working with gives the sync packet of:

0xfa 0xf8 0x99 0x00 0x91 0x64 0x33 0x3c

0x3c336491 (note the reversal of the bytes) = 1010001041 in decimal which is our intellitrac's ID

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Looks like we would need some significant modifications to handle it properly.

Abdurrahman7 years ago

any idea how to configure this model via SMS route

yekimas6862 years ago

hey guys, how do you configure the intellitrac x8? Got a device lying around that i want to use. Not sure if i need a configuration wizard, or if im supposed to send SMS or if i need to communicate over serial. Any help would be appreciated.