Please provide HEX messages from the log (tracker-server.log).
thanks for your answer and sorry for my late.
this is the log:
2015-10-16 01:20:19 DEBUG: [44A76C44: 5078 <] HEX: 24971305007205201916101533335008000073206976000000effffbffff000252776566060000000000000000000049 2015-10-16 01:21:20 DEBUG: [44A76C44: 5078 <] HEX: 24971305007205211916101533334983000073207296000000effffbffff00025277656606000000000000000000004a 2015-10-16 01:22:19 DEBUG: [44A76C44: 5078 <] HEX: 24971305007205221916101533334937000073207526000000effffbffff00025277656606000000000000000000004b 2015-10-16 01:23:19 DEBUG: [44A76C44: 5078 <] HEX: 24971305007205231916101533334926000073208226000000effffbffff00025277656606000000000000000000004c 2015-10-16 01:23:19 WARN: [44A76C44] error - frame length exceeds 1024: 1920 - discarded - TooLongFrameException (...) 2015-10-16 01:23:19 INFO: [44A76C44] disconnected
Your device is using H02 protocol. Port 5013 in Traccar.
please I have the G91S device that i have configured to send data trought de port 5078 (gosafe port) but I get some error on traccar server. the server can't parse data from this device .Please someone can help me?