Port issu for Gosafe G91S

tchapta9 years ago

please I have the G91S device that i have configured to send data trought de port 5078 (gosafe port) but I get some error on traccar server. the server can't parse data from this device .Please someone can help me?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Please provide HEX messages from the log (tracker-server.log).

tchapta9 years ago

thanks for your answer and sorry for my late.
this is the log:

2015-10-16 01:20:19 DEBUG: [44A76C44: 5078 <] HEX: 24971305007205201916101533335008000073206976000000effffbffff000252776566060000000000000000000049
2015-10-16 01:21:20 DEBUG: [44A76C44: 5078 <] HEX: 24971305007205211916101533334983000073207296000000effffbffff00025277656606000000000000000000004a
2015-10-16 01:22:19 DEBUG: [44A76C44: 5078 <] HEX: 24971305007205221916101533334937000073207526000000effffbffff00025277656606000000000000000000004b
2015-10-16 01:23:19 DEBUG: [44A76C44: 5078 <] HEX: 24971305007205231916101533334926000073208226000000effffbffff00025277656606000000000000000000004c
2015-10-16 01:23:19  WARN: [44A76C44] error - frame length exceeds 1024: 1920 - discarded - TooLongFrameException (...)
2015-10-16 01:23:19  INFO: [44A76C44] disconnected
Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Your device is using H02 protocol. Port 5013 in Traccar.