Do you have protocol documentation?
No skytag don't even give a wiring diagram I'm going to pull it apart tonight to see what the board actually is thought I'd ask the community first to see if it was already supported under a certain board type
So I found out the hardware used by skytag it's a TLT-2F.
Can anyone point me at a wiring diagram as the connector skytag use only has 3 pins but the connector on the board has over 10 so want to use all its features like engine cut out, battery status and alarm triggered status
Anyone know how I go about setting this up to a trac car server I'm just waiting for my new SIM card to get it going now
Link doesn't work and also I need protocol documentation, and not manual.
According to the device list it's tlt2h the protocol and is compatible just need to figure out the password skytag have set on the device
Here another link
The manual for the TLT-2H says factory reset is short pins 3 and 4 on the header connector so will try it later
Found out there was a bug in the version 4 firmware of TLT-2H that prevented it working after 2017 this device has been sitting in my shed since 2015 so hope it still works I don't get a green GPS light but was assuming that's because skytag had disabled it remotely as I stopped paying the bill
Ok it's the TLT-2H that you can reset to factory with pin 3 and 4 seem to be a few differences with the 2h and 2f as the 2f doesn't have header pins
Not sure which is the header the board seems to have two sets of pads one is marked vbus the other con3 I'll put a link to the image of the PCB I will try to connect with TTL to con3. But not sure I'll be able to do anything other than dump the rom
It also has two in documented wires on the main convector that don't go through to the loom connector brown and blue I'll try them with TTL as well.
There is no max232 chip or pl2323 chip on the PCB so guessing it doesn't support usb on the vbus 5 pin pads
PCB image
I've tried sending it commands via SMS but get nothing assuming it's IMEI is barred from network or it's got a password set, I've tried shorting pins on all cables on main header with battery disconnected and tried shorting pads on con3 and vbus
So had a play last night outdoors it gets GSM signal with a steady blue light I can call it on the number on the SIM and it gets a GPS fix but I don't get any response from SMS so must be password other than 0000 tried resetting by holding 5 seconds across all combinations of pins and pads
Does anyone know if the hardware the skytag company use is supported by traccar as I have a spare tracker I'd like to use and if hot how do I go about researching development for it and commuting to the project