customizes javascript files

Aptidon7 years ago


I have modified some javascript files, I think it is necessary to compile to update the modification but I can not find this script in my folder. i use traccar 3.12

thank you for the help

Anton Tananaev7 years ago
Aptidon7 years ago

Thank you Anton Tananaev

i have this error after execution : ligne 7: sencha : commande introuvable

do you have some solution ?

Aptidon7 years ago

sorry that means ligne 7: sencha : order not found

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You are missing dependencies. You need Sencha CMD and of course ExtJS SDK.

Aptidon7 years ago

I know nothing about Sencha and ExtJS. I install it then I execute the script '' or there is a work to do before.
you can show me an article or example of compilation.

Thank you

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

If you know nothing about it, then you should probably read some documentation:

Gantz7 years ago

hi, if i want to install Sencha CMD and ExtJS SDK do i have to pay?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

No, they have open source version.