You are correct.
Thanks,.... i will use geocoder.reuseDistance to save some request....Anton, a last question about this issue, i hope don't bother you with this question, but i don't know how it works. I have 10 users in all these users want to set the position update time to 1 minute, clearly in this case 2500 request will be for that requirement insufficient, the question is: should i contact google to increase my account (reverse geocoding) before i set those users, or traccar will still work, but without reverse geocoding, will does it?
Thanks in advance
Traccar will continue working, but you won't see addresses.
Traccar will work without the geocoding working after the 2500 requests, best option setup nominatim on your own server than there is no limit.
Thank you both of you for the responses. @kaykor Please just to be clear, what does mean "setup nominatim on your own server"? ..I can understand that i should only set in traccar.xml file in the traccar server
<entry key='geocoder.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.type'>nominatim</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.url'></entry>
or I can understand, first install an instance of the nominatim server somewhere , and then set
<entry key='geocoder.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.type'>nominatim</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.url'>http://MY_NOMINATIM_SERVER/reverse</entry>
Thanks in advance
You have three choices, setup your own nominitim server or use a paid service like or pay for a Google api upgrade.
LocationIQ Nominatim provider: Unwired offers 10k requests/day for free at 60 requests per minute
Thank you for your response... now the last question to close this issue, i really search in the issues pool before asking, but i did not find out what i looking for. I know that reverse geocoding can be enabled or disabled in traccar.xml but this is a general setting, my question is if it is possible to enable o disable reverse geocoding BUT for a determinate account?. For example, in the version 3.14, in account attributes some functionalities can enable o disable (UI Drivers for example), and therefore my question if there is some setting like this but related to reverse geocoding?
Thanks in advance
It's not possible to disable it per user account. Only for the whole server.
Hello Anton,
may be a dummy question but i would like to understand about the reverse geocoding limit. I know, Traccar uses Google as default reverse geocoding and there is a limit for Google of 2500 request per day. But when is for google one request?. I guess, for example if i have 1 user, the user updates its position each minute, that means 1440 updates per day, then would it mean 1440 request for Google too, or am i wrong?
Please, thank you for you help