
Rasmus Johnsen8 years ago


What data is sent on

<entry key='server.statistics'></entry>
Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Exactly the same data that you see in statistics menu in Traccar.

Rasmus Johnsen8 years ago

How would i go about disabling that? I just don't feel like having my server sending out data for no apparent reason, and definitely not without any clear option to choose what data from the stats menu or even if it should send any.

I don't understand why you would need how man of these: Active Users, Active Devices, Requests, Messages Received, Messages Stored, Sent via Mail, Sent via SMS, Geocoder Requests and Geolocation Requests. All from at server that I host.

Getting this error once a day around midnight, I think it was after I removed the link, when i try to load webinterface

scheme - NullPointerException (... < StatisticsManager:73 < *:104 < SecurityRequestFilter:89 < ...)

Restarting service fixes the issue.

Guessing this is the reason

<entry key='server.statistics'></entry>

Could this be because i've removed the link for statistic in default.xml?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Just remove the whole line from the config.

Rasmus Johnsen8 years ago

Telling you that asking on this forum have some kind of voodo magic xD I just tried that on both instances and nginx threw me a 502 on both. Waited 5 minutes and still the same. stopped the service just in case it was stuck, changed it back with the key but still empty and the server booted perfectly. Then i asked here and your super quick response let me to believe that it would work this time, and it did. I did it the exact same way before the question. I'm sure this VPS hates me... Again thanks for fast reply and confirming my suspicion.