Stopped engine in TK103

Fabian8 years ago

I have some cars registered and monitoring, I did several tests of tracking and position and they have come to perfection, but when I send the command or message to turn off the engine, it is not doing, you could give me an advice that could be failing in this case, To be able to correct it or in his case to implement it.
Greetings Anton.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Do you have protocol documentation with format for commands?

Fabian8 years ago

I only know that I have 2 versions of TK-103
Those using the gps103 protocol with port 5001 and those using the gt06 protocol with port 5023
And they bring a cd with e manual and configuration command as well as the engine shutdown.
When selecting the command option the tk-103 with protocol gps103 I deploy a list of at least 7 commands, but protocol protocols gt06 only have a list of 3 commands.
But with neither of the 2 models managed to turn off the engine.

Greetings Anton.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I won't be able to help without documentation.

Ellen Liu7 years ago

When you use the commands to stop engine, this action could not be finished as soon as you send out SMS, but when the speed of car is less than certain speed, and the engine will be cut, is this answer helpful for you? This is the default setting of the device, because it will be dangerous to stop car suddenly.

Fabian, did you was able to get to send the cut of command from the server, I have the same question, my situation is that I need to send the command to cut of the engine from the server, some times it appears on the send command option but others does not, the most of the times not, I know I can send a SMS message I have done and it works but I want to do it from the server. I am using Coban TK 103 and 303 G and the protocol is the same TK 103 on the port 5001.
Any help will be apreciate it.

Comando para encender/apagar motor GPS103 5001::
Tipo/ Comando personalizado
Datos/ J
Datos/ k
Apagar Motor “ J “
Encender Motor “ K “

cristian4 years ago

Manuel Palomares hola no entendi tu respuesta tengo un TK103 pero no logro que se apague el carro

Segun entiendo debo enviar un comando personalizado con la letra J en mayuscu para apagarlo? solo ese caracter?
