From the manual : the data valid bit (0 / 1), 1 indicates that the GPS positioning data is valid data, 0 data indicates that the GPS positioning data is not valid.
Please provide the manual.
do not have it here, will post tonight
Sorry i can not find it anymore, think it has thrown out by accident. Is it possible to make it work without the manual?
Sorry, but I need official documentation to implement it.
Okay, can't i modify it on my server and re-build?
I have sent 2 requests to the manufacturers now.
Of course you can modify it yourself if you want.
is there a guide somewhere how to re-compile the jar?
Yes, there is. Please use search before asking questions.
I have found the protocol information. This bit represents the Coding scheme: 0: GB2312, 1: Unicode, other: Undefined
You can find it here:
on page 8.
But what about "the data valid bit"?
I think i read it from a manual from different gps tracker. This is the manual from the manufacturers of this tracker. Sorry for that
I have added support for this format.
Thanks. Where can I donate
I need to know what zero there means.