Device status

Josh7 years ago

Using API, is possible get this attributes for devices?
Online and Offline
Engine On and Engine Off
Panic Alert
GPRS Connect and GPRS disconnected

In device table I can seen status column, but always is null

I using traccar 3.14 selfhosted and GT06 Protocol .

I read API Documentation but I don't understand how I do this

Please help

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Devices database table shouldn't have status column. If you do, it means that you are not using 3.14 or something went wrong.

Connection status (online/offline) comes from device API. If you get null there, it means that device has never connected to the server.

Engine status and any alerts would be in positions table, and possibly events table.

Josh7 years ago

Thank you for your response.
I going to reinstall last version for test again