iPhone is online, android is offline

helloworld8 years ago

I have met a confused situation that my iphone and android phone are used same configuration in client, but iphone is online easily, android phone is always offline although I have allowed the location permission request.

I have tried official demo server and my own server, they all same.

May I know if any one have same situation like me? how to solve the issue?

thank you.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Check status screen in the app.

helloworld8 years ago

the status is showed two records: Service created and Connectivity change, no any of location update.

By the way I have tried my another two android phones, they all work fine.

it is confused me, what is wrong with my current android phone

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

If you don't see any location update records there, then it means that your device doesn't have any location. Are you sure location is enabled in Android settings? Also note that if you are using GPS provider, it only works outdoors.

helloworld8 years ago

Yes I am sure of my current android phone gps is on, I even can see the traccar client is in the Privacy-location permission list, my google map is working very well, that why I feel confused, any idea of this? thank you.

helloworld8 years ago

I curiously tried the hidden version of client on this phone to see if it is working, unfortunate it doesn't work, and I cannot call the Client app back by dial the 8722227, how can I delete the Client?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Are you sure GPS is enabled? Google Maps can use both GPS and network location providers.

As for hidden version, you can remove it from app manager. The app is called "Settings".

helloworld8 years ago

Yes, I am sure the GPS is enabled, I have downloaded a app called "GPS Data", it can show the GPS signal

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Please provide information about the settings in the client app, especially location provider. Then a screenshot of Android settings where it shows which location providers are enabled on the phone. Then maybe a screenshot of the GPS Data app.

helloworld8 years ago

Hi Anton,
You have just gave to me a good idea, I have switched the location provider from GPS provider to Mixed provider, then it is working, even I switched back to GPS provider, it is still working, I can see the status with "location update" in both of the provider, thank you very much, lol.

Rasmus Johnsen8 years ago

Regarding the issue of not being able to call the app back by dialing 8722227, since I have the same issue on my Galaxy A5 2017 - android 6.0.1, it would be nice if there was added a widget option instead of the dial as that does not work. this way if we needed access to the app, we could add the widget and when pressed, it would open the hidden app version config and when done with config you would just delete the widget. Yes the dial function would be really nice but you migt want it to react on * and/or # before the number in case your nuber 8722227 some how messes with a legit number some where in the world :)

Btw THANK you so much for traccar server software and clients, so happy to get rid of SinoTrack :@

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I have added a URL option for hidden version of Traccar Client for Android. You can open it using like here:


Rasmus Johnsen8 years ago

Thanks but the new app is crashing. Uninstalled version 5.4 and installed version 5.5 and it crashed on launch. Uninstalled and installed again and this time no crash at launch so I closed the app without starting tracking and then clicked the link on the website and choose the app to open the link. I see the settings but right away I get the pop-up that the app has crashed. Same phone and android version

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

What is the crash? Can you get logs?

Rasmus Johnsen8 years ago

If the app is generating any logs sure, where does it save them? Else the only message I get is "Device settings is stopped"