Your log clearly explains what the problem is. You haven't registered your device on the server with correct id.
Thank you Anton,
In the case of this device, I was trying to register with the 15-digit IMEI: 35537102906XXXX
But in fact it only connects to the device ID: 8002301
Unfortunately I also have no protocol for the motor lock and unlock commands.
Has anyone implemented it for this device model?
Vip Technologies, can help configure mxt-140 in the traccar
Hello Wagner, sorry for the delay in answering.
You will need to get the USB / SERIAL settings cable.
The registration on the traction platform must be done using the ID number instead of the IMEI as usual.
The ID number you find on the back cover or glued to the board, well below the IMEI usually in the following format: S: 00-01111111-17 where this sequence of numbers 1 after the third numeral 0 represents the 7 digit ID.
If the device has a protection password, you will also need to remove this password, I will have to remove the password. Examples of devices with a password: BBOM.
Any doubt I am available
I'm having trouble connecting MAXTRACK MXT140
I used port 5087 as in the list of compatible devices but I did not succeed.
Checked the tracker-server and the HEX Code does not return me something that gives to understand.
Follow HEX code print:
Sorry about my English. Translated by Google