Embedding Tracker Map in my Website

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

When you are logged in, it probably uses your login session. You can't have two different sessions from the same browser.

fox2plus8 years ago

i have small problem
make readonly user when I logged (readonly user) in this item appears when you log off the lack of position (index.html, no user panel))

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I’m afraid it is not clear what you are saying.

fox2plus8 years ago

anton send mail

cajkovski8 years ago


do I miss some steps? I transfered two files (index.html and app.js) to the location on my VPS /opt/traccar/web/simple.

Do I need to change token values in both files or just in one. There is a couple lines with "authenticity_token" in both files I do not know which I need to change.

Any help would be appreciated.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You only need to change token variable in the javascript file. I'm not sure where you found token in the HTML file. I don't see it.

cajkovski8 years ago

Thank you for your support!
It was mine mistake, I did not open it on github I download it and then I edited.
As soon as I opened it in raw (and copy paste) it makes a sense.
It works as it should.

Helmut Willems8 years ago

when i used this , how can we setup so the map is also follow the track device automaticly ?

if the track device is now out screen (zoomlevel 16) we need to move the map with the hand

thanks for the great work

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You would need to implement it. Simple view doesn't have such functionality.

Helmut Willems8 years ago

Hmmm , do you have idea how to autocenter ?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

If you need help with customisation, send an email to support address to discuss it.

Ruben7 years ago

Hello Anton.

I want to embedd it too.
I have downloaded the files from github link
But in what file i put the webserveradress and the token? in web/simple/app.js there is no field where i fill it in

Please help

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You put token either in the code or in the query parameter.

Ruben7 years ago

Sorry Anton,

i really don't get you. I read different this how to do this, but really don't get it. I'll tell you what i have and do:

I have an raspberry with traccar at home.
I have a webserver in the datacenter with a website.
I have put the files from github on my webserver and want it to connect with my raspberry at home.

What code (and where) do i have to put the code? i don't see a "var xxxx=[token]" or something

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Not sure where you are looking. There is var token = ....