Canadian or NA 3G tracker suggestions

kaykor8 years ago

Looking for 3G or 4g Tracker that works with traccar, prefer Canadian or US supplier.

Personal tracker and or OBD II

Also any suggestions on making phone client more reliable and less battery hungry, I'm aware it is not the app but satellite acquisition and data transfer.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Which app are you talking about? Android or iOS? Please provide some more details on reliability issues that you mentioned.

kaykor7 years ago

reliability may have been an incorrect term, (1 last generation) IOS goes through the battery way faster then (4) android devices. IOS has half life of android with 5 minute reporting compared to 1 minute on android. The IOS reports more consistently than the android in buildings, purses. (not open sky)

I guess when it comes to the app I'm really looking for best practices, when I'm not the user. In other words how do I get them too help ensure there is reporting going on and their battery lasts the 12 hours required.(I know charging, but they are in and out)

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Two platforms provide slightly different APIs, so apps behaviour is also a bit different.

On iOS there is no way to select location provider (GPS or network), so system automatically uses both. This is where consistency in buildings come from. It uses network provider if GPS is not available. There is also no option to specify frequency, so Traccar requests constant location updates and then filters results according to the settings. This results in higher battery consumption.

On Android we have to select location provider. If you select GPS or mixed, then app would prefer GPS provider. With mixed option app will use network provider if GPS is disabled. With network provider you get only network-based (cell and WiFi) locations, so it should work fine indoors, but accuracy will be lower than GPS. Android also allows to specify location frequency, so it turns off GPS in between reports resulting in lower battery consumption.

Ellen Liu7 years ago

We have gps tracker for 3G network for vehicle and person used. All the device can work with traccar.

kaykor7 years ago

Ellen what is the product, where can it be purchased?

Ellen Liu7 years ago

Ellen reply: please E-mail me:, my whatsapp is +8615817428802

Mictrack7 years ago

Also there is a 4G OBD Trakcer for choose from mictrack: