Device GV200

Ferchoes7 years ago

Hello Anton,

The GV200 works fine in the port 5004 (protocol GL200) when the device is set to send the GTFRI report back to the server , but when i set the device to sent the GTINF, the server is not able to decode that frame. My question is if Traccar supports GTINF incomming frames?
Thanks in advance

Anton Tananaev7 years ago
Ferchoes7 years ago

Hello Anton, thanks for your fast response. i did it, but i think i use the new version of that protocol (v4.08) and that issue is the version 1.02. Let me copy what i get from my device.


In the version 4.08 there is not "VIN" Line 6 in the excel file

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I have fixed the problem.