i have problem when vibration alert is on

Suny Niazi8 years ago

when my device vibration alarm work , manager not shown correct thing and mix it up.

time = 2061/...
and ...


other similar devices work correctly until vibration alarm is off.

can help me what i can do ?
thank you.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

What version of Traccar are you using? There were some problems with H02 protocol before.

Suny Niazi8 years ago

I installed last version 4days ago.
But i face with this problem when vibration alert.
I know programing if you can give a little help for me i think i can fix it.
Thank you.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

The problem must be with frame decoder. If you want to investigate it further, that's where I would start.

Suny Niazi8 years ago

i find problem hex in 2 device.
but i cant understand anything. :(
i think this problem doesnt relation with vibration alert from device.
plz you check these hex`s. maybe it would be help about fix this problem.


2017-02-10 18:27:58 DEBUG: [329B3A81: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c383831333038313435342c56312c3134353732322c412c333830342e343934302c4e2c30343631362e363032312c452c3030302e30302c3030302c3130303231372c464646464239463623
2017-02-10 18:27:59  INFO: [329B3A81] id: 8813081454, time: 2071-01-06 05:10:00, lat: 2.20000, lon: 1667.70096, speed: 0.0, course: 130.0
2017-02-10 18:27:59  WARN: No SMTP configuration found
2017-02-10 18:27:59  WARN: No SMTP configuration found


2017-02-10 18:11:58 DEBUG: [677BF71B: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c383831333038313836342c56312c3134343132322c412c333830352e303339352c4e2c30343631352e313934322c452c3030302e30302c3030302c3130303231372c464646463946464623
2017-02-10 18:11:58  INFO: [677BF71B] id: 8813081864, time: 2017-02-10 18:11:22, lat: 38.08399, lon: 46.25324, speed: 0.0, course: 0.0
2017-02-10 18:11:58  WARN: No SMTP configuration found
2017-02-10 18:11:59 DEBUG: [677BF71B: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c383831333038313836342c56312c3134343132332c412c333830352e303339352c4e2c30343631352e313934322c452c3030302e30302c3030302c3130303231372c464646463946464623
2017-02-10 18:11:59  INFO: [677BF71B] id: 8813081864, time: 2017-02-10 18:11:23, lat: 38.08399, lon: 46.25324, speed: 0.0, course: 0.0
2017-02-10 18:12:00 DEBUG: [677BF71B: 5013 <] HEX: 5800001736571441241002173805039000046151940e000000ffff9fffff000d
2017-02-10 18:12:13 DEBUG: [677BF71B: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c383831333038313836342c56312c3134343133372c412c333830352e303339372c4e2c30343631352e313934312c452c3030302e30302c3030302c3130303231372c464646463946464623
2017-02-10 18:12:13  INFO: [677BF71B] id: 8813081864, time: 2056-01-04 08:00:00, lat: 94.23333, lon: 1667.67778, speed: 0.0, course: 1330.0
2017-02-10 18:12:13  WARN: No SMTP configuration found

thank you

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You would have to provide logs for the full TCP connection session. Session can be identified by the id in the square brackets.

Suny Niazi8 years ago

Can you help me how i can do this ?
Can you find alert alarm in this hex ?
How i can disable alarm until fixing this problem ?

Suny Niazi8 years ago

since i do update server to v3.10 my vibration alert problem fixed.
thank you.
but mistake time shown , not fix yet and device move not shown live.

device recordings is correct and when i receive report from that device all thing shown correctly on history.
plz fix this problem.
thank you.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I need logs for the whole TCP session.

Suny Niazi8 years ago

plz fix my problem.
This problem happens sometimes
I suggest ignore procces it when receiving invalid information
thank you

2017-08-22 21:11:22  INFO: [F4026E40] connected
2017-08-22 21:11:23 DEBUG: [F4026E40: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c383136313233313130372c56312c3136343131382c412c333830342e363933392c4e2c30343631352e353037352c452c3030302e32322c3030302c3232303831372c46424646424246462c3433322c33352c31323432302c323430333323
2017-08-22 21:11:23 DEBUG: [F4026E40: 5013 <] HEX: 2481612311071641182208173804693906046155075e000000fbffbbff000000000000000001b02330845de100248161231107052527222d2481612311071630222208173804694106046155043e000000fbffbbff0000000000
2017-08-22 21:11:23  INFO: [F4026E40] id: 8161231107, time: 2026-09-22 08:55:27, lat: -82.02052, lon: 163.03703, speed: 173.0, course: 804.0
2017-08-22 21:11:26 DEBUG: [F4026E40: 5013 <] HEX: 2481612311071641252208173804693306046155076e000000ffffbbff000000000000000001b02330845de101
2017-08-22 21:11:26  INFO: [F4026E40] id: 8161231107, time: 2017-08-22 21:11:18, lat: 38.07823, lon: 46.25846, speed: 0.2, course: 0.0
2017-08-22 21:11:26  INFO: [F4026E40] id: 8161231107, time: 2017-08-22 21:11:18, lat: 38.07823, lon: 46.25846, speed: 0.0, course: 0.0
2017-08-22 21:11:27  INFO: [F4026E40] id: 8161231107, time: 2017-08-22 21:11:25, lat: 38.07822, lon: 46.25846, speed: 0.0, course: 0.0