Records not processed (stored), but server responds to tracker

nejck8 years ago

I faced a problem today...

I'm using Ruptela trackers.

Until 07:47 today everything worked fine.. than suddenly some (not all) connections started behaving weird. I can see the position being sent from tracker and received on server (server even sends a response, that the position was received ok). But other than that nothing happens.

Data seems to get parsed, but not written to DB. Seems like besides decoder, the only other Handler that runs is StandardLoggingHandler.

After the restart of traccar, everything works as it should. Any idea what happened?

Is it possible that there would be not enough RAM ? We have 8gb and after restart of traccar 5gb is still available. I sadly didn't check ram usage before restarting the service.

Any idea how to catch that behavior and prevent it?

Best regards,

nejck8 years ago

I should also state, that we are using a little modified traccar with about 100 devices.

Also there is no error that I can find in tracker-server.log or wrapper.log

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

If there are no errors in the log and data is decoded, then it should be stored in the database. I guess your changes to the server or configuration are the cause of your problem.

nejck8 years ago

I wouldn't say that, since my code (added custom handlers) don't even get executed :(

I don't see the decoded string in log... only incomming hex data and outgoing hex confirmation.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I would recommend to try official release without any modifications.