Upgrading my server?

HendriXXX8 years ago


I have quite old version of traccar installed (3.1-SNAPSHOT + Litvaks mod) and now I want to upgrade it. That's because I bought new tracker (for my second car) and I have little problem with that. And I hope that upgrade fixes it.

For some reason it sends alarms (geofence exits) from the past (not always). Those alarms are usually from few days back when we were driving with that car. I noticed from logs, that there was couple of few minutes empty gaps on location updates. And those alarms were just in those time windows..
I think it is because there were bad gsm/gprs network where we were driving. What I cannot understand why it send

Tracker is Tk110 (from seller information), but in circuit board says gt02, and it sends only gt06 protocol to port 5023. Damn these cheap chinese junk..
However it works basically, it sends location quite reliably but that "messages from past" is very annoying. Alarm wakes me middle of the night sometimes thinking that my car is stolen.. :D

I there any possibility to block old email alarms from server side? Example for only 6 hours and newer alarms are send to me..

Ok, now to the server upgrade.. I this correct procedure? If I understand correctly, i must upgrade to version 3.2 first and then 3.3..

  • download version 3.2 and extract it.
  • stop traccar service
  • backup /opt/traccar folder and make mysql database dump
  • migrate mysql https://www.traccar.org/update-from-3-1-to-3-2/ , should I do shell script for this or write line by line to mysql prompt?
  • run "sudo ./traccar.run"
  • start traccar service and hope for best..

Should I clean something away before running traccar.run? Old configs or libraries maybe? Or does it overwrite what it needs to update..?

Best regards!

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Please follow this guide:


I'm not sure if it would fix your problem, but definitely worth trying. There were a lot of fixes and changes to GT06 protocol.

HendriXXX8 years ago

Thanks to your response!

  • Regarding to your guide, there is no need for manual mysql database migration anymore? Only first update to 3.3 and then latest..? Will it change database by itself?

  • Can I use my old database with your latest traccar server, because I have been using Litvak's UI mod from the beginning? Is that a problem?
    Back then I needed email notifications and geofence alarms. And I see that you have added those in your code too, so I won't have to use mod anymore.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

If you are not using official version, then it won't work. Litvak UI has completely different database schema.

HendriXXX8 years ago

Ok. Damn. That I was afraid for..
Maybe I try to upgrade it first to 3.2 version and see if that helps anything.

That was stupid move to start using non-official version, but those couple features was important and still is..

Anyway, thanks for your responses! :)

HendriXXX8 years ago

I made a test server with latest official traccar. Seems very nice.

However, I have little problem. I use traccar also like tripmeter to calculate fuel consumptions.
It's hard to explain (excuse my bad english), how do I get whole driven mileage calculated together? I can configure trips e.g from 10.8. to today and it gives list of trips, but I have calculate those together by myself. A bit too difficult, am I missing something?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Have you tried summary report?

HendriXXX8 years ago

Yes I tried it before but for some reason it didn't work then. Maybe I did something wrong, because now it works. Thanks! :D

I have another little problem. Because that chinese (crap) tracking device doens't ever like to go offline. It records little bounces (few meters to ~50m) when my car is stationary (parked). Can I somehow config traccar to ignore these little jumps? Because it records over 10km in 24hours and it messes my mileage calculations..

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Yes, you can use filtering. It has been discussed millions of times.

HendriXXX8 years ago

Oh, sorry. I searched with wrong words.
I added these to traccar.conf and it seems to help a lot. Still few positions gets through, but I tweak that value later..

<entry key='filter.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key=’filter.distance’>10</entry>
HendriXXX8 years ago

I found that there are also these entry keys available..
<entry key='coordinates.filter'>true</entry>
<entry key='coordinates.error'>10</entry>

If I understand correctly, these should have same effect to eliminate little coordinate jumps when parking? Or are there any differences?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

The difference is that distance filter removes positions completely, but coordinates filter just re-uses previous coordinates if device is not moving.

HendriXXX8 years ago

Ok. Thank you!

HendriXXX7 years ago

Just a little update info. New server is still working good and "alarms from the past" are gone.