Does anyone have the full eelink protocol specifications?
The ones that they publish are missing various commands. I had a problem where mine kept on saying it had crashed but after a special SMS message from the seller of the device (TK116) it now no longer does it.
That command is not listed in the documentation.
Also there are three commands that I need clarification
TIMER - GPRS Upload time
DELAY - Monitor delay ??? (what does this mean)
HBT - Heartbeat to server
HBT I know, just basic packets so server knows tracker is online
TIMER, I think this is the interval to upload GPS updates when there are no other Alarm triggers
DELAY, not sure but i think it may be how long an ALARM needs to be active before it sends updates.
Anyone know more info on how it all works.
I am from EELINK, can I help you?
Do you have a list of all the possable commands the TK116/121/119 support.
There are lots of hidden commands that are not indicated in the specifications, ie WARNING, SET etc.
Maybe I can send all the commands in my hand to you? Do you need it?
Hi there,
I've TK119/121 and I looking for the Operational Commands & GPRS Communications Protocol (alphanumeric). I've these manuals but they are old versions.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
Does anyone have the full eelink protocol specifications?
The ones that they publish are missing various commands. I had a problem where mine kept on saying it had crashed but after a special SMS message from the seller of the device (TK116) it now no longer does it.
That command is not listed in the documentation.
Also there are three commands that I need clarification
TIMER - GPRS Upload time
DELAY - Monitor delay ??? (what does this mean)
HBT - Heartbeat to server
HBT I know, just basic packets so server knows tracker is online
TIMER, I think this is the interval to upload GPS updates when there are no other Alarm triggers
DELAY, not sure but i think it may be how long an ALARM needs to be active before it sends updates.
Anyone know more info on how it all works.