Strange device showing up

Olivier G8 years ago


I have the following error:

2017-07-25 20:08:53  INFO: [A010B468] connected
2017-07-25 20:08:53 DEBUG: [A010B468: 5055 <] HEX: 160301008c0100008803024b35f3b404c5d9a8b256c70878550322e8bf51522af941ca0aa370f11d7642e600001ac009c00ac013c01400330039c007c011002f0035000500ff560001000045000000180016000013747261636361722e62696e696f752e696e666f00170000002300000010000b000908687474702f312e31000b00020100000a00080006001700180019
2017-07-25 20:08:53  WARN: [A010B468] error - empty text - IllegalArgumentException (...)
2017-07-25 20:08:53  INFO: [A010B468] disconnected
2017-07-25 20:08:53  WARN: [A010B468] error - empty text - IllegalArgumentException (... < MainEventHandler:115 < *:104 < ... < ExtendedObjectDecoder:52 < ... < *:52 < ...)

This is strange because this server is only used by Android clients.

Some bad network connectivity or an operator doing nasty things in the middle ?

I can provide in private a .pcap if needed


Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I suspect that you have enabled encryption in the Client app without implementing it on the server side.

Olivier G8 years ago

I didn't, some dmbss clicked on "enable encryption" in the client,
and there was no error telling on their side that encryption was actually unsupported by the server.

How can this be improved ?

I'll set up an nginx + LE to fix this, based on your apache documentation, will be happy to share.


Anton Tananaev8 years ago

From the app point of view there is really no way to tell what the error is. It's just a network error and it clearly indicated on the status screen.

You can configure SSL proxy for encryption, but then the problem with be with non-encrypted clients. Basically it's not possible to have SSL and non-SSL connections on the same port.