Report commands sent to the tracker

jcorreajr8 years ago

Is there any report that I can view the commands that were sent to a tracket by the traccar?
For example:
I send the command to stop the engine. The command works correctly
But can I see which user and at what time this command was sent?

I monitored the attributes that the tracker generated, but it does not send any information about it.

jcorreajr8 years ago

Analyzing the protocol used by the device (gps102) and observing the device return commands:

  • The device sends a return command, informing that it has received the command to turn off the engine (for example)
  • This return command is not interpreted by the current protocol configuration.

Example of 'turn off the engine' command return: (sent by the device)

Imei: 999999999999999, jt, 170718221335,, F, 141332000, A, 2953.7210, S, 05110.1705, W, 0.00.0;

The 'jt' field indicates that the engine shutdown has been received and executed, but the protocol does not handle the response.

I could use the new feature "computed attributes" to solve this problem, even the protocol not capturing the return 'jt' as an attribute?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I have modified decoder to save any unknown events into "event" attribute.

jcorreajr8 years ago

OK thank you!
This modification will be available in the new version 3.14?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Yes, it will be available in the next release.

rodrigo2128 years ago

amigos boa noite, sou novo no site e no ramo de rastreadores, instalei o traccar numa vps, tudo certinho, coloquei pra rastrear um smartphone, esta funcionando perfeitamente, porem nao estou conseguindo faser um rastreador GT06 ficar online, alguem poderia me ajudar com um passo a passo de como proceder, quais os comandos enviar para o rastreador e como adiciono na plataforma? via sms o rsatreador ja fumciona, corta combustivel obedece tudo, so nao consigo faser ele funcionar com a plataforma traccar

jcorreajr8 years ago

Bom dia
Acho melhor você abrir abrir um tópico específico sobre este caso, mas em resumo, você deve identificar qual o protocolo que este rastreador usa e configurá-lo para fazer a conexão na porta referente ao protocolo correto. Os links abaixo vão te auxiliar:

Como identificar o protocolo do rastreador
Lista de protocolos e dispositivos