Billing request by USSD

nrike200610 years ago

Hello everyone I am a new user and admin in the opentracking, and I think TRACCAR is the ideal tool for this. but my project is to work with a billing information (location of vehicles, speed, ...) requested by USSD (unstructured supplementary service data). Is this possible? and how can I do this (code ...)

Anton Tananaev10 years ago

Can you please explain in more details how billing is related to vehicle location.

nrike200610 years ago

Sorry I was traveling. Suppose that I want to chargein my user USSD requests the position of "taxi" nearest.
on the user's phone: "# XXX #
my server responds: "welcome to the service ...... input your starting point to arrival point?.
Finally, the customer receives the waiting time between the arrival of the next "taxi" Nearest

Anton Tananaev10 years ago

This is a very specific functionality for taxi services. I want to keep server more generic GPS tracking solution for any purposes. I guess you can use Traccar as a part of your system, but I don't have plans to include such billing functionality directly into Traccar server yet.

jaimzj10 years ago

From What I understand, of your query the best way to achieve this is.

  1. You can apply for an USSD Number at your telco level or aggregator if any for all telco operators at your region.

  2. Implement the FLOW & MENU Options of USSD response at the telco systems.

  3. On completion of users menu selection or data input, the USSD response can be collected and queried back to a web-service

These web-services you can, configure onto your traccar servers (DB) with appropriate responses, based on users input parameters on the USSD menu.