Is posible to put a logo on the interfase and have it change according the user

A pair of questions regarding the logo, for what I read is possible to put our own logo on the web interface, then I have two questions:

Where do I change the code to put My logo?

Is possible to change of logo when the user sign in, example if you have installed traccar server and you resell the service and have dealers of your tracking platform, can you have a logo for each dealer and the user of him, like having a group and have a different logo for each group? if it is possible how do I do it ?

Thanks .

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You can change logo by replacing the image file and/or modifying Login class.

How would you differentiate between each group of users before user is logged in? There are no logos after login at the moment.

I believe that perhaps can be put a generic logo for every one will be a solution, a logo that fits every body.

Thank very much

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Anything is possible.

Where is located the image file of he logo for look at it and replace it wih a different one, one of us, somebody make it for me and I want to make it again wiht a new but dont find the person who did it and I know is just replace it. Thanks