Log in Android

jeansj8 years ago

Hi, I am having problems with the client of traccar on samsung devices, I would like to know if you have to leave the client log without cleaning the old logs (for example, write this log to the memory card), and if you would like to log in when the service is stopped and when gps is enabled / disabled

tlsvadmin8 years ago

Perfect jeansj, very good idea. It would help me a lot.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Are you talking about "log in" into the web app? How is it related to Traccar Client in any way? I'm very confused by the question. I don't even know what logs you are talking about.

jeansj8 years ago

Hi, sorry for my bad english, i'm from brazil, and use tradutor to translate...

I wanted to refer to the screen where it appears when the service was created, when the location was updated, I am having cases where the service is stopped and I do not know why. If that screen appeared when the service was stopped (and the logs were left longer, because today it will reset every time I open the application), and if you have how to show when the gps was enabled or disabled I could have an idea of ​​what this Causing this problem.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

If the status is empty, it means that Android system killed the app for some reason. Nothing can be done about it. Make sure that you add device to battery optimisation exceptions.