Device goes offline every hour, then comes back

nickthesloth8 years ago


I'm trying a GT06 device, and it seems to be working fine and sending its position every minute as I've set it to, but every hour, Traccar sees the device go offline, and then straight away come back online.

I've set gt06.timeout to 300 seconds, though no change.

Does this mean the device is actually closing the connection? Looking at the positions table, its sending location every minute as it should up to and after the offline/online events.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It can be device, or it can be your data connection provider. Server never closes connection if device is actively sending data.

nickthesloth8 years ago

I guess its the device then. I'm using the same network as my other devices. I got this one to see if it had the same issue getting stuck sending the same location/fixtime like my others.

I'll try resetting it later to see if it keeps doing it, if not, on to the next type of device.