Device with no GPS fix showing online

nickthesloth8 years ago


I have some devices that seem to occasionally lose GPS fix, and just re-send the last fix data over and over, so fixtime and coordinates repeat themselves. I've enabled the duplicate.filter and filter.limit settings, which stop these getting into the positions table, but the device still appears online in the web interface in the last position.

Is there a way to get the device to go offline in Traccar when this happens, so that an email is sent so I know to reset the problematic device?


Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Unfortunately there is no such option. Status shows device connection status.

Are you sure it's a device issue? Some devices stop sending new coordinates when they are not moving? Usually GT06-based devices work like that.

nickthesloth8 years ago

Hmm, that's a shame.

I'm fairly sure its a device issue - as it happens at random. It could be a few days, or more usually a few weeks or months before a device starts sending the same thing over and over. They're all the same TK103 based cheap devices. It wouldn't be a problem if the device got itself unstuck and regained a fix, I'd probably never notice in fact, and it quite possibly often does do this. But sometimes they just get stuck and need intervention.

If some devices do this by design when not moving, I'm not sure how I'd get around this.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You can submit a feature request on GitHub. We can see if anyone else is interested in this feature.

For now the only option I can think of is to make a custom version that would check for old fix time and generate event based on that.

abyss8 years ago

My not cheap wondex device very rarely (once a year) do the same. It happens only after loosing GPRS for a long time. What is good is that it react on SMS and I can reboot it.

We can probably improve filter handler (or make new one) to analyze such misbehavior and rise some general event, like "device problem".

And sure It is better to discuss this feature on GitHub.

nickthesloth8 years ago

I created an issue on Github.

I know its a workaround when the device is causing the issue, I just can't figure out a way to alert me to a device getting this way.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Can we have a link to your GitHub issue?

nickthesloth8 years ago

Sorry hopefully that's in the right place!