Server timezone and user timezone change to GMT after changing to Asia/Kolkata

yashbhat8 years ago

I have tried changing the server timezone and individual users' timezones to Asia/Kolkata, but they change again to GMT. This results in a state where the browsers reports the right time in reports but when the reports are exported they show GMT times.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It means that you haven't changed server timezone properly. Check logs timestamps to confirm.

yashbhat8 years ago

How do I set server timezone? Is there any configuration key? I tried setting it through the web UI and it's not being set. and if it involves setting the time on my google compute engine, that has the correct time. It's set to IST.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Have you checked logs?

yashbhat8 years ago
Server logs, 1407 IST This is traccar-server log at 1407 IST
Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You image is not visible.

yashbhat8 years ago
Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Time looks correct. Is it not correct in the web app? If that's the case, you must have a misconfiguration somewhere with the timezone.

yashbhat8 years ago

As I said, the times are correct in the reports and other when viewed in a browser since I guess it's the browser that converts it to local time, however, it's incorrect in the settings and I can't set it through the web app because the it isn't persistent. It goes back to GMT after setting it to Asia/Kolkata. And this causes the exported report to have incorrect timestamps.

yashbhat8 years ago

I have also tried setting it through the API without any success.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I need access to the server to take a look.

yashbhat8 years ago

I set it through the H2 web server and even that got resetted to GMT. I'm working on a Google Compute Engine, would you like access to that or is team viewer okay?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I need access to SSH and web app to check myself.

yashbhat8 years ago

It's on Google Compute engine, so I can share access, if you give me your gmail id. You can contact me on

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You can use email address from support page.