Autoload last N points/lines

antrea8 years ago


Is any options to autoload the last N points (linked by lines) of my devices?

Like the report options... but without select each time device and time...


Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It sounds like you are looking for the feature that's called "live routes" in Traccar. There is a button for it above the map.

antrea8 years ago

Yes, but in my case, it works only when you click it... I want to load the last N every time that i will open the webpage.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

There is no such option at the moment.

davanzi8 years ago

About this same subject, live routes. How/where can I configure the value 'n' of last time/points?
Regards Daniel.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You can configure it using "web.liveRouteLength" attribute.

antrea8 years ago

Where I can get and read a documentation for all attributes properties of traccar?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Most of them are documented here:

Some are missing, but in the next release you will be able to select attributes from pre-defined list instead of typing keys yourself.

antrea8 years ago

is any way to auto-enable the two options "Live Routes" and "Follow" when I login?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Traccar saves button states for you. So, just toggle them once and they will be enabled next time you login.

antrea8 years ago

Thanks but I wipe cookies every time that I close the browser.

Is any way to enable that button in the config file?


Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I believe it's possible in older versions.

why ? show last point to start point line on map