Your longitude value seems to be negative, so I think you converted it incorrectly.
Yes the longitude is negative, but is no the issue,
i dont know how come from this
Longitude: c1808f2a – 3246427946 Dec
Longitude: 324.6427946 to this -104.89
the other data get and decode fine, but i dont know how handle the value that get in longitude to get se right one value
Taking advantage, I'm having another inconvenience.
The ruptela keeps sending me the same records over and over again, seeing the logs of traccar I see that a response is sent to him once the string has been recieved.
Could you help me understand this part? Or get the dcs of the rupture devices, i searched everywhere but I have not found much, would be of much help for me.
Thanks in advance
It is exactly the issue. You don't understand how numbers are stored. I would recommend researching it:
Yes, you're right, I check the link information, thanks
Hi salvadorc,
Could you please share how did you decode the string for Ruptela Eco4 Light? I'm testing the same device and can't get the data from the device.
Thanks in advance!
I need ruptela protocol, can you share please?
Hi, could you share....Do you make any advance?
I wonder if anyone can help me, I am developing and using these devices, I get the string, I decode most, but the one that corresponds to the longitude can not get the correct one
5939987a 00 00 c1808f2a 0cccdeb6 24ad 7df0 05 0000 0f 07 00 00 00 00
TimeStamp Ext Priority Longitude Latitude
No problem to convert the hex to dec to get de value
Latitude: 0cccdeb6 - 214752950 Dec
Latitude: 21.475295 - This is correct
Longitude: c1808f2a - 3246427946 Dec
Longitude: 324.6427946 - This not the correct longitude is have to be 104.89
I check traccar server and get the correct longitude, i check the rupteladecodeprotocol but i did not quite understand how it works
Someone who can help me and tell me how to do traccar to get the correct longitude?