Device limit error before reaching configured device limit

jcorreajr8 years ago

Warning is occurring "User device limit reached - SecurityException (permissionsManager:207 < DeviceResources:66 >..) But the user has not yet reached the device limit.

In this example, the user 'instalador_sc' has a device limit set to '10', as can be seen in the result of Sql Below:

mysql> select id,name,email,devicelimit,userlimit from users where id=28;
| id | name          | email         | devicelimit | userlimit |
| 28 | Instalador_sc | instalador_sc |          10 |        10 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Currently this user has 8 devices associated with his profile, as can be seen in the result of Sql below:

mysql> select * from user_device where userid=28;
| userid | deviceid |
|     28 |       36 |
|     28 |       37 |
|     28 |       41 |
|     28 |       42 |
|     28 |       43 |
|     28 |       44 |
|     28 |       45 |
|     28 |       46 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

However when adding a new device, the error "User device limit reached ...."
. I stopped and started the service, but the error is still.
. If I increase the device limit to 11, I can add one more device.
. This error has also occurred with a user with 35 linked devices and the limit on 100 devices. I increased the user limit to 150 and it was able to continue including devices.

. Version 3.11-SNAPSHOT
. No error logs

Any idea?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Your account is manager, so I believe all devices linked to his users count against the quota. It can also have access to a group which gives access to devices that are not linked directly.

jcorreajr8 years ago

I confirmed and this is happening.
If the same device is also linked to more than one user, this device counts as more than one.
Note: The user must be managed by the primary user. In my case "instalador_sc"

User manager: "instalador_sc"
Devices: device01; Device02
Device Limit: 3
Managed users:
Client01 (linked - device01 and device02)
Client02 (linked - device01 and device02)
Total devices associated with user "instalador_sc": 4
The user will not be able to create new devices.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Please raise an issue on GitHub to discuss this problem.

jcorreajr8 years ago
jcorreajr8 years ago

I found that through the "Fix managed devices enumerating # 3240" the problem is fixed.
Does this fix go into the new version or still in the current installer (3.11)?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It will be included in the next version.