original xexun tk 103 B ignition on /off status not displayed in web interface

psunardi8 years ago

recently i had installed traccar 3.9 on ubuntu 14.04 server . i am using xexun original tk 103 device with xexun protocol and port number 5006 . everthing is working perfect accept ignition status not displayed .in traccar log i get hex data from device reporting ignition status :


170602210233,+6282167979090,GPRMC,210233.000,A,0337.0363,N,09838.2934,E,0.00,0.00,020617,,,A*6A,F,ACC OFF, imei:013226004613135,10,27.0,F:4.24V,1,146,28180,510,10,2B30,0EAC

please help me to solve this problem

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Traccar doesn't support ignition for Xexun protocol at the moment. Do you have protocol documentation?

psunardi8 years ago

but i had another server installed with traccer 3.1 and web ui modification , work perfectly and display xexun tk 103 ignition status as alarm : acc on , alarm acc: off .

psunardi8 years ago

is it possible to show ignition status as " alarm " in traccar 3.9 ?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It's not possible that it worked on 3.1. We almost never remove any functionality.

There is a separate notification for an ignition.

psunardi8 years ago

@ anton
I don't know what is going on ,but it really working . My traccar 3.1 server installed with web ui modification.
please find the screen capture in this link



Anton Tananaev8 years ago

That's not a screenshot of an official version of Traccar.

psunardi8 years ago

ok thanks anton

psunardi8 years ago
Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Not sure how user manual is relevant here.

psunardi8 years ago

@ anton
sorry ,i am little confusing about your answer traccar does'nt support xexun protocol ignition on/off , but i read in another
forum traccar support tk 103 ignition on/off . but as i know all tk 102 , tk 103, tk 103 2 /b orginal produced by xexun manufacture. another tk 103 without xexun brand is clone one.thanks. http://www.xexun.com/

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Traccar supports ignition for "tk103" protocol, not for "xexun" protocol.

psunardi8 years ago

@ Anton
in my traccar 3,9 mysql database positiontable "attributes "field i get this data


in my old traccar 3.1 mysql database position tabble "other" field i get this data

{"signal":"F","alarm":"ACC OFF","ip":""

note : i try to copy paste "other" field data into "attributes" field data its work, traccar 3,9 web interface display alarm : acc on or acc off

so is it possible to insert alarm : acc off into position after "signal" in traccar 3,9 attributes . is yes i thinks problem is solved .because xexun tk 103 protocol send ignition on/off as alarm

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Traccar now decodes alarm field. I would need protocol documentation with all possible values if you want me to add more options (e.g. "ACC OFF").

psunardi8 years ago

sorry Anton i did'nt have xexun official protocol documentation.in traccar 3.9 all xexun tk103 gps data show properly in webinterface expect alarm field. i only know 3 alarm condition : ACC ON , ACC OFF AND help me