solo debes seguir las instruciones te aconsejo que cambies el puerto al 8080 en el config yo lo tengo instalado en un windows server 2012 r2 sin ningun problema. y los ptrocolos solamente no los configures como los vallas usando los configuras.
I have installed every thing and set up the database, I am asking about instructions on how to configure the server properly for the hosting of the server
Thanks alot
What is not "proper" with your current installation?
I am right now using IIS to access the web interface of Traccar server, not the actual server process, but this way I do have access to the API of the server just shows the interface.
My question still stands. You haven't answered anything.
The installation is good no problem there.
Any help here?
I don't understand what the problem or question is.
Ok I will make it simple..
After I installed Traccar on my server, how to access it from the internet?
Default port for web interface is 8082, so you should be able to access like this:
Assuming that you configured firewall to allow the access.
and if I want to access the API its the same right?
Yes, it's the same.
Thank you very much Anton for your help...
Hello, I need your help answering two questions (if there is no inconvenience):
1- Could please provide me with some instructions on how to host Traccar on windows server 2008 R2?
2- how to disable some not needed protocols?