Unable to delete devices from web UI

mb-stern8 years ago

I have just found out that the problem only appears with existing devices.
If a new device is created it can be easily deleted.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Can I have access to the account to take a look? You can email me the details. Address is on the support page.

Ltech8 years ago

I have the same issue .
I can't remove devices from 3.10 on 3.11.
I try to delete the data folder and the log folder hope to rebuild the db but no.
Traccar on raspberry brouwser safari


mb-stern8 years ago

Hello Anton
I have seen in GitHub that you have modified MapMarkerController.js.
Can I download this file somewhere and exchange it manually?

Greeting Stefan

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You can download all files from GitHub. Note that you need to compile web app before you can use it.

mb-stern8 years ago

I do not know how to do it. Can you give me the required software? Or can I download the compiled file somewhere?
Many Thanks

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It will be included in the next release.

Jonny58 years ago

Try renaming the device first, it worked for me.

hieronymousch8 years ago

I can confirm that there is a problem with version 3.11 for existing devices that were created in a previous version. The solution from Jonny5 works, thanks!

Jimbolian8 years ago

Had the same issue with a device, only once the device was no longer active, could it then be deleted. 3.11

May not be the same as your issue, but thought i would mention it.

Santiago8 years ago

I have the same problem When trying to delete a device the web portal does not respond and I have to refresh the page so that it returns to normal even without removing the device

AnduriƱo8 years ago

Thanks @Jonny5, your solution worked for me !!!

For if help @AntonTananaev was a device with future date (2037) in the reports to the server Demo4

jonpaulh8 years ago

I had the same issue, @jonny5 solution also worked for me.

antrea8 years ago

Me too.... can't remove devices...

lizzus8 years ago

i have same issue? when will be released a patch or new version?