I would recommend writing in English.
Hi thanks for the prompt response,
My device is Huawei G620s ,is not in the liste, but works well with demo2.traccar.org
Is it possible to works with localhost ?
I have open the port 5055 in my routeur. I have put my IP adress "88.xxx.xxx.xx" and the port in the device, but he don't find the routeur.
Sorry for my bad english
Your device is not a tracking device, so you should be looking for your app in the list.
Have you checked if the port is open? Try this page:
Hello, i come back......
My port 5055 is open , tested with https://www.traccar.org/port-check/ .
I have no error on my client Android, only "update localization"
But my location does not appear on "localhost: 8082" with firefox.
It works fine on "demo2.traccar.org" but not with my ip "88.xxx.xxx.xx"
I do not understand (I'm 65 years old ....)
Is it necessary to have a database ?
What is the IP address? What port are you using in the app?
My IP adress is and i'm using the port server 5055 . is it a problem if i use a proxy?
Should I open another port on my router ?
2017-04-06 07:31:04 INFO: Operating system name: Windows 7 version: 6.1 architecture: x86 2017-04-06 07:31:04 INFO: Java runtime name: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM vendor: Oracle Corporation version: 25.121-b13 2017-04-06 07:31:04 INFO: Memory limit heap: 247mb non-heap: 0mb 2017-04-06 07:31:04 INFO: Character encoding: UTF-8 charset: UTF-8 2017-04-06 07:31:04 INFO: Version: 3.10-SNAPSHOT 2017-04-06 07:31:09 INFO: Starting server...
It does look like the port is open. Maybe there is some problem on the phone? Internet connection issue? Please provide a screenshot of the status screen in the app.
i don't know how to insert an img
On the device, there is only :
09:29-Localisation mise à jour
09:29-Localisation mise à jour
09:30-Localisation mise à jour
09:30-Localisation mise à jour
09:31-Localisation mise à jour
09:31-Localisation mise à jour
It's OK ! ! ! all is working fine.
It was Internet connection issue on the phone !
Thank you very much .
J'ai installé une apk GPS pour la randonnée sur mon smartphone Huawey.
Je voulais installer traccar pour que mon épouse puisse savoir ou je suis, mais après avoir tout installé et configuré, j'ai le message "l'envoi de ocalisation a échoué" sur le traccar client
J'ai bien ouvert le port 5055 sur mon routeur "freebox" en tcp et udp
je suis sous windows7 avec mon tél client android 4.4.1
Est-ce que je peux utiliser traccar avec cette configuration?