Please provide samples of messages with ignition info.
2017-03-28 06:16:59 DEBUG: [EDAD485C: 5031 <] HEX: 3e5245563432313934323233373031372b313137303935372d303730313838303230303030303033323b49443d3335363631323032323436333035353c0d0a
Hex To Ascii
2017-03-28 06:16:59 DEBUG: [EDAD485C: 5031 <] HEX: >REV421942237017+1170957-0701880200000032;ID=356612022463055<
42 is event IGNITION ON
2017-03-28 06:36:58 DEBUG: [47784E0E: 5031 <] HEX: 3e5245563433313934323233383231332b313137373639342d303730313439333330303030303933323b49443d3335363631323032323436333035353c0d0a
Hex To Ascii
2017-03-28 06:36:58 DEBUG: [47784E0E: 5031 <] HEX: >REV431942238213+1177694-0701493300000932;ID=356612022463055<
43 is event IGNITION OFF
I have added support for the TAIP event code.
I installed the Traccar 3.11 and I can already visualize in the web environment the Event Numbers. But unfortunately I do not know how to configure the tracar with the protocol TAIP of the AVL Syrus DCT that I report the IGNITION OFF or ON, which I have configured the AVL with events 43 and 42 respectively.
I do not know if I can configure it through the Attributes of each Equipment and / or Attributes Alias.
Please tell me the steps to follow because I have tested on the Attributes of the Devices with:
Attributes Value
IgnitionOff 43
IgnitionOn 42
None works.
Thanks for your attention.
If you want to decode ignition, you have to modify source code of the decoder class.
Can you use the attributes of each device to define the Event number?
Because a in the AVL DCT SIRUS can configure the different events in any number such as this Script:
#Event 40
> SXAGH001045 <
> SED40NV0; J00 + <
> SED02SV0; F00 +; ACT = SGC11TC00060 <
> SED42NV0; F00C11 & + <
> SED03SV0; F00-; ACT = SGC12TC00060 <
> SED43NV0; F00! C12 & + <
> SED44NV0; F13! C13 & + <
> SED05SV0; F13 +; ACT = SGC14TC00060 <
> SED45NV0; F13C14 & + <
If possible, please explain.
Thank you for your attention and quick answers.
Possible, but again you would have to write some code to do it. Traccar doesn't do it out of the box at the moment.
I have a problem with the AVL Syrus DCT. I do not know where to set the Ignition Event ON and OFF.
I tried it on the attributes of the device with Name: Ignition ON and with EVENT number value defined in the script.
If you can by attributes, I do not know what name you must have to register it as an ignition because I have event 43 as ignition off and it registers me as an unknown event.