How to Get Traccar to Work Externally

RickOShay10 years ago


I have setup Traccar (on Windows 7) to the default location and can access it via the local IP or loopback ip just fine ( I have opened the ports on my router (8082 and 5005) and typed the external IP address with port 8082 but I am not having any success connecting. Can anyone help me? I don't understand why it wont connect.

RickOShay10 years ago

Ok, I figured it out from a previous post. Windows firewall blocked the ports which I have corrected; HOWEVER, when testing the server (I have the app downloaded to an Android device), I have the server address in the app, server port, etc... but it continues to say "connection failed". Why does the app not communicate with the server?

RickOShay10 years ago

I figured it out. I needed just the IP, not with the port #.

Thanks all.