It looks like you are using old version of Traccar. I would recommend to upgrade it.
As for the error, it usually means that your used doesn't have access to the device.
I understand the lack of permissions, but for example I can see the positions of that device even delete it, it is more with the credentials that I am using to log in is that I created that device.
How can I make sure that I actually have permissions to access the device?
How can you see positions when you remove device?
No, I mean, I can
Of the devices removed obviously no record remains
I see. Possibly the problem is that you don't provide the whole device object in the request.
There is some way to check if I am missing permissions, to be able to get such permissions or some code and / or reference to update the way I work with the api (you indicated that it was advisable to update as I am working with the old version of Traccar, at the moment I am taking reference from and some code found on the web and forum)
Thanks in advance
Try to include device id in the request.
Thank you, I already made it work, Adding the device id in the data
public function update(Request $request, $id){
$data = [
'id' => $id, //add this
'name' => $request->name,
'uniqueId' => $request->uniqueid,
'model' => $request->model,
'contact' => $request->contact,
'phone' => $request->phonecontact,
'category' => $request->category,
$device = new GuzzleHttp\Client([
'base_uri' => 'http://domain:8082/api/devices/',
'headers' => ['content-type' => 'application/json', 'Accept' => 'application/json'],
'body' => json_encode($data),
$res = $device->request('PUT', $id, ['auth' => [username, password]]);
$status = $res->getStatusCode();
if ($status == 200) {
return redirect::to('devices');
return redirect::to('devices');
Hi Kevcar -
I am also trying to do something similar with Laravel. From where are you getting the password ? I mean, are you reading it from Laravel's 'user' table and using it for calls to traccar API ?
I have created one id with a known password and am generating a session id with that. Then use that session id for future calls. I am not very comfortable with that due to security concerns.
Hello AsifB -
This project is old and is no longer in my charge for about 2 years, what I did at the time was to check the password, send it in the request and discard it, just for possible security flaws; This is because if it encrypted or manipulated the password in another way it was not readable for the api to traccar.
I know it's a big security bug but it's what the api allowed me at the time.
I am using in api to develop a proper web interface in php (laravel), but I have a problem when trying to update a device, the code in the model is the following
But I get the following error:
Client error:
PUT http://domain:8082/api/devices/1
resulted in a400 Bad Request
response:Device access denied - SecurityException (PermissionsManager:194 < DeviceResource:81 < ...)
Also try in javascript with the following code.
Device access denied - SecurityException (PermissionsManager:194 < DeviceResource:81 < ...)
But I get the same error.
The devices you try to update if they belong to the user whose credentials I use to log on through the api.
If you could tell me what to correct in the code or else I should do thank you, in advance thanks.