Possibly the issue is the same as this one:
I ve Extjs 6.2.1 and minified the files..the register check is ok...the problem seems be only in that part.. i dont know where is the error
You have to update the code, not just ExtJS. Also, ExtJS 6.2.1 is not a GPL version, as far as I know.
Which files should i update?
See the commit linked to the following thread:
Sorry I do not understand which 3 files I need to modify ..of those that speak in that thread ..
I aprecciate your help and time to answer
There is only one commit linked to the thread. What exactly is not clear?
sorry from my cellphone i cant read the word commit ,
few moments ago ive changed those 3 files and minified, and the problem still there,
I modify the notifications but when I change the password of a user or another element the checks disappear...only in non admin account...i have 1 admin account
Please describe detailed steps to reproduce the issue.
First... create a user, check read only..go to notifications and check alarm via web and email..accept, then edit the created user, for example the password (even setting the same password), accept, go to notifications from that user created and checks are unchecked ,
Situation 2, after creating the user read-only and check alarm via web and email, logout admin acc, login with that user created, go to account, change password or something, go to notifications and the same thing happens
Notifications are configured per user. Setting notification for admin user won't affect notifications for any other users.
i do not understand, from my administrator account I set the notifications that I want that user to receive, but when from that created user I modify something of their own as their password or zoom their notifications that were defined by the administrator appear unchecked
I am not able to reproduce the issue with the latest source code. I would recommend to wait for the next release.
I have an admin acc in 3.9 version, i have created an user with read only permissions and just web alert SoS notifications..when i login with that user account and go to config/account and modify anything..e.g zoom ...then i go to notifications in that account and all the checks are empty..and read only check is unchecked too when i re-log with admin account ..