The imagery set that you want is called "AerialWithLabels", but it's not supported by Traccar at the moment.
A quick fix is change type here:
thanks for your reply.
I can't get it to work - but I guess its because it's not supported atm :(
Is there any chance maybe, to get google maps working with labels (or whatever it is called over there) as custom map?
I already explained what you need to do to enable it.
yes, I edited the file like you said I should do.
I took the server offline, edited the file, restarted the server (the stop / start just to be safe and nothing is getting messed up while changing) and then logge din with admin user and changed the map to "Bing Aerial" (which now should contain the aerial view with labels enabled). But unfortunately it's still only the aerial view and no labels visible.
well - it's not that important, I can live with it like it is now :D
thanks for your help though!
Try to open "debug.html" file.
hm... there it works. interesting :D
what is the difference between the debug.html and the standard file which gets opened when logging in without that filename in URL?
What do I need to do to the default file to work?
By default it opens "release.html", which uses minified version of JavaScript. You can compile a minified version using "minify" script in the traccar-web repository.
thanks for your reply! but there you've lost me :D
I think I'll stick with the debug.html for now, as it seems to work.
<hint>Mabye in a future version of traccar label overlay is supported by default</hint> :D
another question regarding the Web UI.
I added Bing Maps and so the two layer Bing Maps Road and Bing Maps Aerial are available.
Is it possible to enable the label overlay (street names) in Aerial View somehow?