Display Data in Ordnance Survey National Grid Coordinates

tharford10 years ago

Just got my trackers talking back to Traccar - VERY HAPPY!

Has anyone thought of having the option to display position in the Ordnance Survey National Grid format? That would allow easy conversion to the OS paper maps we have here.


Anton Tananaev10 years ago

To be honest it's the first time I hear about Ordnance Survey National Grid. I guess it shouldn't be very hard to convert actual values, but then how would you display it? As far as I understand it doesn't use latitude and longitude terminology.

tharford10 years ago

Hi Anton

It would be great if the user could choose between displaying position data in Lat/Long OR OSNG in both the state pane and the device history pane.

There is plenty of info out there about OSNG:

There are loads of websites that will convert between the two formats despite the "projections" being different. Having a tool that will show tracker data in OSNG on the fly would give UK users a great tool to use.


Anton Tananaev10 years ago

We can keep this top here as a feature request, but I don't think I would have time to work on it any time soon. There is just too much other higher priority things.

tharford10 years ago

Understood - glad it's on th elist though ;-)

Chris4 years ago

Some code already here to do this conversion

Might help, as way beyond me.