About Traccar server and text mesages

goustmk9 years ago

Hi folks
i'm new here so i installed traccar server and run one chineese GT06 devise TK103B and works with no problem.
I have some questions

  1. I wanna to buy cheap aliexpress device and they told me that can work on server but its QT GPRS protocol, so does traccar support this kind of protocol or i need to implement (with your help because im noob about programming)

  2. I see in direction with companies that sold separate services and tracking devices with text messaging but i need to use Garmin. So can i connect if i buy Garmin navigation to traccar server with some device to enable text messaging. What kind of gps tracker device i need to have to establish that kind of connection with Garmin and does traccar support it.
    Please guide me to this process

Thank you for advance

Anton Tananaev9 years ago
  1. Most likely it is supported. See this page:


  1. I don't know. What devices support it?
nejck8 years ago

Some info on the second question...

Text messages are actually FMI (Fleet Management Interface) that Garmin is offering when connected to tracking device with "special" FMI cable they provide. It enables text communication between driver and dispatcher. It also provides a possibility to manage stops, and get ETA (Estimated time of arrival) for a specific stop. It also offers some more futures.

I'm currently in the process of implementing FMI into traccar for our use. I'm more than willing to share the code if it can make it into the main release of traccar.

About what devices support it, for now I know that Teltonika and Ruptela does.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It would be great. Feel free to send a pull request.

nejck8 years ago

Sure, will do when the development will reach a normally working state.

Does Traccar support the FMI Garmin communication now ?

Andreas Kern4 years ago

i want to get focus on this topic again.

Does traccar support Garmin FMI protocol now or does a code exist to compile a custom version of traccar?

Thank you for your answers in advance!