Individual Notifications

WhitbyRog8 years ago

hi Anton

Is there a way of enabling/disabling notifications for some devices while leaving them active for others?

Thanks in advance Roger

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It's possible for some of the notifications indirectly. For example, geozones have to be linked to the devices. Speed limit can be set per device as well. It's not possible for other notifications.

WhitbyRog8 years ago

Thanks for that, it's pretty much what I thought.

Can you tell me how to set up the "Maintenance required" notification, does it work on time or milage.

If it's in Attributes what do I put in?

Thanks for all your help, it's a really useful program.

Kind regards Roger

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It works based on odometer information. More info on configuration:

WhitbyRog8 years ago

I've looked through the link and have configured Attributes for one device as follows:

Attribute = maintenanceStart Value = 0
Attribute = maintenanceInterval value = 100

I then switched the device one and went for a drive round = nothing.

I know it's something I'm not doing right.

Can you please let me know what I have to put in and where.

Thanks in advance Roger

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

What was the value of the "total distance" for the device when you've done it? Also, the value is in meters, so 100 seems very low even for testing.

WhitbyRog8 years ago

That might be the problem, The total distance for the device is still zero.

What else do I need to configure for this, are there some lines I'm supposed to put in the config file???

Regards Roger

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

No other configuration needed. Zero distance means that your device hasn't moved.

WhitbyRog8 years ago

Having looked into this all my devices have zero distance.

So I can understand this more. Is the distance calculated from the GPS points or from a direct link to the odometer?

If it's from the GPS points I don't know why it isn't working. Any suggestions would be very welcome.
If it's from a direct link to the odometer then that would explain it.

I also have a question about accessing the database would you like that opening in another discussion.

Kind regards Roger

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Distance is calculated based on GPS locations.

WhitbyRog8 years ago

Ok then something is either wrong or not set up properly.

Some of my devices do hundreds of miles a day.

Can you suggest anywhere I can look to see whats wrong?

Regards Roger

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I would need access to your account to take a look.

WhitbyRog8 years ago

How can I send them securly?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You can send it to the support email address.

send email to