Trips report running too slow

Anton Tananaev6 days ago

Don't have any specific recommendations. If you have a lot of trip records, it's probably expected that it's going to be a bit slow.

Cristian6 days ago

Victor Butler Are you using your own nominatim server?, because maybe that would be a solution.

Victor Butler6 days ago

I'll look for a fast service and do some tests, I guess.
Still, thanks Anton for helping to find the root cause of the problem!

@Cristian, thanks for the suggestion. I've considered this but the number of records that need to be decoded don't justify running a self hosted environment. Some of the $20 per month alternatives should be enough I hope.

Victor Butler6 days ago

Another question, I've explicitly set those two to true. Why are the coordinates in the Trips report still decoded?

<entry key='geocoder.onRequest'>true</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.ignorePositions'>true</entry>

According to the documentation the true setting is the default one:
By default reverse geocoding is only done when user requests reports or explicitly clicks "show address" button in the app. You can disable this behavior using the following parameters.

Victor Butler5 days ago

So it seems that:

<entry key='geocoder.onRequest'>true</entry> - When you wish to decode coordinates in reports and notifications
<entry key='geocoder.ignorePositions'>false</entry> - When you wish to decode position coordinates