Digital Ocean SMTP

Karl.12 days ago


I have a Traccar server on digital Ocean and the email alerts have stopped for about a week now.

It seems they have blocked SMTP, has anyone got a work around? They are suggesting to use sendgrid.



Track-trace12 days ago

Why dont you show your config?

Cant you use Gmail?

Anton Tananaev12 days ago

You should be able to use any SMTP provider. Sometimes hosting providers block default ports, so some providers have alternative port options. We use Amazon SES a lot. Works well on DigitalOcean servers as well.

Karl.11 days ago

I have turned on the mail.debug command and it logs out "2025-03-20 11:50:53 INFO: Email sent" but nothing is recieved.

I have also copied over a working configuration from another server thats hosted on azure and it doesn't work either. (GMAIL config)