Renaming Firebase notification channel to "Mobile App"

Kaldek18 days ago

We've just tested and submitted our custom mobile app to the App Store and Play store. Firebase notifications are working perfectly, and as part of branding and ease of use, we'd like to have the Notification Channel of "Firebase" able to be renamed to something like "Mobile App" or just "Push".

I'm not yet aware of whether we can do that in any Server attributes or in the Configuration File, or whether we need to alter the source code.

Anton Tananaev18 days ago

You would have to alter the code. Specifically localization strings.

Kaldek18 days ago

Thanks Anton.

I figured we'd be a year or more out from needing source code changes, but I guess not!

Track-trace18 days ago


Do you just mean the name firebase in traccar server for notifications? If so whats the point of changing it.

Besides, interested to know what your app looks like, what is it called on playstore or playstore link.

Kaldek18 days ago

Yes, that is what I mean. Customers have no idea what "Firebase" means and it will just cause confusion and support tickets.

Track-trace17 days ago

I think then Push will raise even more questions.. Would be better if you had an option to hide those function for your customers.

Kaldek17 days ago

Agreed, hiding the option is the better solution.

Anton Tananaev17 days ago

You can already hide it by disabling it.

Kaldek17 days ago

That's helpful - but is that a server attribute or an XML file setting? I can't see anything in server attributes for "UI: Disable Channels".

Kaldek17 days ago

Bear in mind the goal here is that any time a user adds a Notification it will default to using Firebase. It's fine to hide it but it needs to still be the default. I'm worried that your statement of "disabling it" means that there will be no notifications generated.

Anton Tananaev17 days ago

Yes, hiding it obviously won't make it a default.

Kaldek13 days ago

OK we're making this change in the code. It's just some JSON changes in traccar-web.

grant13 days ago

The other thought I had was if there is only one notification channel configured in the server, hide it in the UI or similar (but leave it enabled, if the user account has it enabled).

That's something we could potentially feed back upstream, too.

I do suspect most users are familiar with "Notification" or "Push Notification", it's certainly not mysterious to the end user like "Firebase" is.