Configure PAJ PET Finder 4G for Traccar

GPS4PETS6 days ago

i dont send sms i use a usb to tll 3.3V adapter and the charging cable.
the 2 outer pins are for VCC and GND and the 2 middle pins are RX and TX

if you cut the usb end of this is the cable colors:

red 5V from USB
black GND
white RX
green TX

it is important to use 3.3V ttl logic!!!!

RX and TX could be crossed i dont remeber right now

you can open a serial session 115200,8,n,1 and send every SMS command with this:


no need for expensive SMSs anymore

mcpower4 days ago

@GPS4PETS are you operating the Finder with the original SIM or did you replace it? if it's possible with the original one, i wonder if they won't block it after some time.

mcpowera day ago

was this firmware tested on PN:S2-10AZT-Z310M already?

mcpowera day ago

@Florian Sachs your log shows that the device is now using huabao protocol. you need to change port to IP Server 5015 and add 01 at the beginning of your device-id in traccar config