traccar server Installed in digital ocean but not receiving data to server

ISearch22 days ago

we had installed traccar server in in our digital ocean droplet and also added 2 diffrent devices V5 and S20.

but unable to receive the data and we tested in other client interface( hercules), we are able to connect ip and port.

please suggest is there any settings to be done first time after installing traccar server.

Track-trace22 days ago

How about checking the server log. If no data, did you op protocol port for your devices and point the devices to the correct traccar server ip and port ? You should follow the troubleshoot guide from traccar website and share the results here since you do not provide enough context to be helpfull.

ISearch22 days ago

Please suggest , what is the Port for Concox V5 Device

Anton Tananaev21 days ago