Recommendation SIM card for traccar device

Mako77823 days ago

Can you recomend any SIM card for US? I don't know how many MB it will use and if I will need SMS package? I will have around 30 cars

Thank you in advance

Track-trace23 days ago

Well any card which has data / internet on it should do if you can set the apn on the device if needed. But biggest chance that it works directly if you use a simcard from the biggest telecom providers (mostly the firmware of the device already knows the apn). But logicly you first check which telecom network has the best coverage in your arera / country. And then just test it with one device. Normally you wont use more then 50 mb per month from your simcard data bundle.

Mako77823 days ago

50mb considering sending gps every 30seconds less or more ? Do I need any SMS package to activate or something ? Can u recommend anything do they have to be loT SIM cards or don’t need to be ?

Track-trace23 days ago

Well if you have understood my recommendations by now you should know which telecom company in your country has the best coverage.
Which country / company ?

Data usage you can find out by just testing one tracker for 24 hours at update interval 30 seconds and see the usage for one day and then calculate times 30 to see what it uses in one month.

Actually in my country i use regular simcards which can also call, send sms and have data. For instance with gps watches and this works good.

Normally you can set server ip through sms (thus need a simcard card which uses sms). Or just use a regular simcard to send the sms and change it afterwards if need with an iot simcard. But there are several tracker manufacturers which can provide tools where you can just connect the tracker to the computer and just set the server ip /port through the tool when you connect the tracker to the computer.

Mako77823 days ago

Well I want to have multiple careers and the US market only so if the tracker travel and one service is unavailable to switch to another so I guess lot services or universable SIM card which provide few networks

Anton Tananaev23 days ago

Sounds like country is the US. You can search for IoT SIM cards or just get one of the cheaper retail providers.

One important thing to keep an eye on is the minimum chargeable unit. If your device connects, sends a small amount of data and then disconnects, your provider will round it up to the minimum unit.