Please don't use all caps.
As for your question, you can add some new attributes if you want, but probably need to change the code.
But will It fix my problem? Just to add attribute?
All I want to achieve is when someone is turning app ON in the phone to be visible and when turning it OFF but idk as which data is it appearing in trackcar?
Do you have any link how to add new attributes.?
There's no specific tutorial like that, but it's possible to do anything in the code.
But for now without changing the code it’s not possible to just get the information when the user click on and off on client ?
Cause I see client status online but not offline and I don’t get it why
Not possible currently.
When user click on and off client it will start and stop reporting, so you could check log and know when it started and when was the last time it did.
Seems close enough.
Or you could check database for the same info.
@Walter Spada want to help me ?
I want to use Trackcar in more ways so I have it on multiple phones on android and iOS and let’s say people are using it for check in and check out to work. I am trying to get raport for example user A was at work on Monday from 1 pm 10 to 6pm 43 so it should show status online and status offline but its only showing status online but not offlline and what if he cone to work twice in one day what then? Can I add extra attribute like check in - check out?