SMS command help

Jondotneta month ago

Hi Folks,

I have a cheap GPS tracker that basically works but find that it never quite shows as being home as the last message is always approx. a mile down the road. I have tried using the sms commands to increase the frequency of messages but struggling. As there is probably a few people on here who have experience of different SMS command sets, I thought I would ask.

check123456 produces output as expected with a version number of GT06M_DA_V5.8_210701

gprs123456 results in gprs ok!
tracker123456 results in tracker ok!

I tried to use the command fix123456 10 but got password err! so I am assuming this command is available.

Am I right in assuming that the fix command isn't going to work and if so, is there one that might?

If my tracker has limited config options, thats OK. I just want to know if I am wasting my time trying different options.


Track-tracea month ago

Hi, does the device actually report a gps location outside at your home when you request the location?

You do understand that gps in general only works in open air.

Assuming you connected the device to traccar server. You cant request the position from traccar popup menu or custom command?

Jondotneta month ago

Yes, it works perfectly, it’s just that all tracking stops before the vehicle gets home as the last update isn’t quick enough to report before the vehicle is shut down, which turns off the power to the tracker.

My question is about SMS commands

And yes, I know a gps generally works outside. :-)

Track-tracea month ago

De simple solution would be to add a backup battery (a simple usb battery connected to your tracker which you charge from the car battery). Also a good idear for when they steal your car.

Richard Creera month ago

Have you tried t030s***n+password?