Teltonika & Accuracy

rowl3y13 hours ago

Hi all, Does the Teltonika FMB920 report back the Accuracy to traccar ?


Sebastian12 hours ago

Hey, i use an FMC920 and accuracy is always 0
You can configure HDOP and PDOP via configurator...

rowl3y12 hours ago
const getGpsStatus = (position, classes) => {
  let accuracy = position?.attributes?.accuracy;
  let hdop = position?.attributes?.hdop;

  // If accuracy is missing but HDOP exists, calculate accuracy
  if (accuracy === undefined && hdop !== undefined) {
    accuracy = parseFloat(hdop) * 5; // Ensure HDOP is a number

  if (accuracy === undefined) {
    return { label: "No GPS Fix", icon: <GpsOffIcon fontSize="small" className={classes.error} /> };
  if (accuracy <= 5) {
    return { label: `Excellent GPS (±${accuracy.toFixed(1)}m)`, icon: <GpsFixedIcon fontSize="small" className={classes.success} /> };
  if (accuracy <= 20) {
    return { label: `Good GPS (±${accuracy.toFixed(1)}m)`, icon: <GpsFixedIcon fontSize="small" className={classes.success} /> };
  if (accuracy <= 50) {
    return { label: `Moderate GPS (±${accuracy.toFixed(1)}m)`, icon: <GpsNotFixedIcon fontSize="small" className={classes.warning} /> };
  return { label: `Poor GPS (±${accuracy.toFixed(1)}m)`, icon: <GpsNotFixedIcon fontSize="small" className={classes.error} /> };